Tuesday, October 5, 2010

balancing act

Spot illustration, dedication page, The Day the Cow Sneezed, now back in print thanks to Enchanted Lion Books.

The first reviewfavorable!—courtesy the For Immediate Release (Kids) blog:
I like his habit of calling attention to certain words by putting them in all caps, nearly on every page: POW! WHAMBO! and my personal favorite KA-BLOWIE-BLAM! I also enjoy the language he uses, specific phrases such as "scrunched as flat as corn flakes." It's just plain good reading paired with some spellbinding illustrations that make this a book you won't want to miss.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks what I love about Jim Flora. I've never seen a ballerina on a cow before. Never. Now, thanks to Mr. Flora, I have. Mission Accomplished!
