Monday, February 2, 2009

behavior modification

"I'm making a list of things not to do!" Charlie was writing on paper. "It will help me stay out of trouble. Whenever I think of something I want to do, I'll just look and see if it is on this list. If it is, I won't do it."

"Things Not To Do," detail, My Friend Charlie (1964, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.)


  1. NOW he tells me. Thought I got a square deal for the old lady. Is Chuck implying I got gypped?

  2. I'm beginning to think I missed out by reading Dr. Seuss as a child. Why didn't my parents subscribe me to the Flora-of-the-month book club instead?

  3. Mom will probably be more fulfilled with those wacky gypsies than she was with dull, old, hard-working Dad. The hell with him.
